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Green Tick VPS and Dedicated Servers

Have us setup your next server for maximum resources at minimum cost. Please contact us to discuss.

Green Tick Domain Names

If you have online business and/or communications then you will probably require a domain name (eg: you.com.au). Your domain name is like your enterprises online phone number. It points to your website and other services including your email. You may prefer to bundle your enterprise domain name if your require other services.
To register your domain name please place your order from our Domain Names page.

Green Tick Website Hosting

Your website host is the means by which you deliver/serve your website to the internet. It is the space in which your website resides, and the services that make your website accessible.
If we make your website then your first year of hosting is free.
To host your website with us please place your order from our Website Hosting page.

Green Tick Email Hosting

Your email server provides your email addresses and accounts (eg: you@yourdomain.com). New accounts can be added as your enterprise grows.
Your email services include: webmail, POP, IMAP, SMTP, and spam filtering. To host your email server with us please place your order from our Email Hosting page.

Green Tick Application Hosting

Does your enterprise use or plan to use hosted management services such as accounting and invoicing, ticket tracking, communications, or other portals.
We can host your application services and even manage the distribution, installation, and training for your application clients if required. To host your application server with us please place your order from our Application Hosting page.

Green Tick Database Hosting

Your database is the heart of your information handling and in many cases the operation of your enterprise is reliant upon your database.
We can provide reliable database hosting solutions for sql, mysql, sqlite, mssql, oracle, postgres, and others including backup and synchronization. To host your database server with us please place your order from our Database Hosting page.

Green Tick Gateway Hosting

A gateway is required whenever you want to translate data between data types.
It usually consists of a piece of hardware connected between 2 communications mediums: the way your adsl modem connects between your phone line and computer.
We can setup and host your gateway including payment gateways, VOIP, SMS, GPS, network, and others. To host your gateway with us please place your order from our Gateway Hosting
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